How to open an account:
For questions regarding opening an account contact info@latinoccu.org. For more information about the Youth College Savings Program contact andrea.rodriguez@studentudurham.org or 919-679-1998.
Student U is partnering with the Latino Community Credit Union (LCCU) to open College Savings Accounts for all of our middle school students. We want our students to be academically and financially prepared for college!
As a part of this program, students may open a savings account with LCCU and deposit money into their account. Student U will match funds up to $100.00 for students who save $200 and contribute $50 if students meet participation requirements each year (listed below). Funds may be taken out after a student graduates from high school to be used towards college/post-secondary education expenses. This is a great way to earn money through being a Student U student.
Student U Earning Incentives:
Attendance Requirements:
Middle School Program
High School Program
The brilliance and successes of Student U’s community