Youth College Savings Program

Complete Your Youth Savings Application

How to open an account:

  1. Open an account at anytime. To be eligible you must be a current Student U middle school student.
  2. Download and fill out application. Applications are also available at LCCU and The W.G. Pearson Center.
  3. Return completed application to Timothy Shober at LCCU, 100 W Morgan St, Durham, NC 27701, and provide all of the following:
    1. Valid government-issued photo ID from any country (we can use school picture ID)
    2. Valid ITIN or social security number (we need the original card or letter for ITIN number)
    3. Proof of address

For questions regarding opening an account contact For more information about the Youth College Savings Program contact or 919-679-1998.

About the Program

Student U is partnering with the Latino Community Credit Union (LCCU) to open College Savings Accounts for all of our middle school students. We want our students to be academically and financially prepared for college!

As a part of this program, students may open a savings account with LCCU and deposit money into their account. Student U will match funds up to $100.00 for students who save $200 and contribute $50 if students meet participation requirements each year (listed below). Funds may be taken out after a student graduates from high school to be used towards college/post-secondary education expenses. This is a great way to earn money through being a Student U student.

Student U Earning Incentives:

  • Opportunities to grow savings:
    • Each year if you meet full attendance requirements, you earn $50.
    • At end of year, if you save $200 in your account, Student U matches $100(For every $1.00 you save, Student U will match $0.50 up to $100.00 in matching.)
    • Opportunities for more matching contributions may evolve over time.
  • If all requirements and savings are met, from 6th grade through 12th grade, you will have $2550.00 saved for your first year of college.

Attendance Requirements:

Middle School Program

  • Summer Academy – No more than 3 unexcused absences.
  • YRP – Students are expected to attend YRP unless they have another after-school commitment (sport, club, etc.) or do not have transportation provided by their school to our location. Otherwise, no more than 10 unexcused absences per semester.

High School Program

  • Full participation status (as listed on your grade level participation services document).

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