Sponsor Summer Academy
Student U is seeking local businesses and companies in the Durham area for Corporate Sponsorships for our Summer Academy. It is a season of joy and our most visible programs.
Volunteer as a Tutor
There are many ways you can empower Student U students with your service of time and skills, including tutoring, mentoring, gardening, and more.
*Student U does host corporate service days for a fee.
Host a High School Intern
Your organization can host Student U high school students for a summer internship to expose students to a work environment and help them explore career interests. Our students apply for positions in a competitive process and receive pre-summer training and on-going support from Student U.
Present at Career Day
Student U invites professionals from all sectors to join us during Summer Academy Career Day to present about their careers to students. Student U especially seeks professionals from sectors where marginalized groups have been historically underrepresented.
Host a Field Trip to Your Workplace
All Student U Summer Academy middle school students attend weekly field trips to learn about local communities, explore different career opportunities, tour local colleges, and engage in community service.
Hire Us as Consultants
Student U shares our best practices through educating practitioners. We provide technical assistance and professional development to other entities on skills and methods to support student- and family-led programming.
Attend or Host a Workshop
Learn new skills and methods to support students and families by hosting or participating in one of our community workshops for educators, school leaders, or parents.
Replicate Our Model
Student U’s core pipeline model and curriculum modules prepare students for academic success, engage in healthy identity development, and build authentic community.
Empower and equip first-generation college students in Durham Public Schools, their families, and educators to become the leaders that will transform our city.
We envision and work for a Durham where all students succeed.
The brilliance and successes of Student U’s community