Dear Student U Families,
We have finalized our programming plans for summer 2021, and I am excited to share that we will have two options for you and your child this year. Both options are free for you and your child.
- Option 1: Summer learning kits delivered to your home
- Option 2: In-person, five-week Summer Academy
Option 1 is receiving a Learning Kit delivered to your student at home. These Summer Learning Kits will include a science project kit (with all materials), a Read Fearlessly novel and reading guide, and resources/ideas for other virtual academic practice and enrichment opportunities during the summer that can be completed at home.
Option 2 is our traditional, in-person Summer Academy. We will be located at Durham Academy and run from June 21 – July 23 from 8:00am-3:00pm and dismissal from 3:00-4:00pm. Transportation will be available. Your child will take classes in core subjects and electives, build relationships with peers and staff, and have opportunities for enrichment.
Careful consideration and planning has gone into running Summer Academy during the COVID-19 pandemic. To protect your child, your family, and Student U staff, we will be adhering to these safety protocols:
- Social distancing
- Mandatory mask-wearing
- Frequent hand washing
- Health screenings prior to drop-offs
- Frequent cleaning of shared spaces
- Students placed in learning pods
- No sharing items that are touched by students/staff (food/drink, school supplies, etc.)
All students will be automatically enrolled in Option 1 UNLESS you opt-into Option 2. To enroll in Option 2, please complete this form by Friday, March 5th We will send this form via Remind as well. If you want your child to participate in Option 1, you do not need to take any action at this time.
This has been an unusual year, but we are so grateful to be journeying together through it. If you have any questions regarding summer programming, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any member of our Program Team.
Elena Maina, M.Ed.Program Director
Student U
Estimadas Familias de Student,
- Opción 1: Kits de Aprendizaje de Verano enviados a su casa.
- Opción 2: En-Persona, Academia de Verano de 5 semanas.
- Distanciamiento Social
- Uso Mandatorio de Mascarillas
- Lavado de Manos Frecuentemente
- Monitoreo de Salud al Llegar
- Limpieza frecuente de espacios compartidos
- Estudiantes asigandos a módulos de aprendizaje
- No compartir artículos que los estudiantes/personal toquen (comida/bebida, útiles escolares, etc.)
Directora de Programación
Student U