Pamela's primary responsibility is to serve as the first point of contact for guests visiting The W.G. Pearson Center. In addition, she also is the first point of contact for tenants regarding leasing, building access, new employee orientations, and event rentals.

Pamela Sosa

Student U Rentals Manager

Pamela's Why:

Student U intenta encontrar el mejor metodo para ayudar a cada estudiante. Se esfuerzan por asegurarse de que todos los estudiantes se sientan importantes y sean apoyados. Este objetivo que tiene Student U es muy importante para mí porque lo he experimentado en primera mano. En el W.G. Pearson Center, Student U se ha asegurado de que las organizaciones involucradas también ayuden a la comunidad y juntos creen relaciones más sólidas.

Student U tries to find the best approach to helping every single student. They strive to make sure that every student feels important and they are supported. This goal that Student U has is very important to me because I have experienced it first hand. At The W.G. Pearson Center, Student U has made sure that the partners involved are also helping the community and together create stronger relationships.

Pamela outside of Student U:

Mis pasatiempos son la organización de espacios de trabajo y también personal

My hobbies are organizing workspaces as well as personal.

Advice Pamela finds valuable:

Todos merecen una oportunidad. Student U cree en el potencial de cada uno y les ayuda a alcanzar sus objetivos, guiándolos a dar lo mejor que pueda en todo lo que hacen.

Everyone deserves a chance. Student U believes in the potential in everyone and helps them reach their goals by guiding them to give the best that they can in everything they do.


Universidad Francisco Gavidia San Salvador, El Salvador

Course of study:


Student U start date:

August 2021

our community stories

The brilliance and successes of Student U’s community

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The Kendall Family

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Elijah & Ethan

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Elliot & Taryn


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