Michelle Price

Michelle's primary responsibility is serving and leading an incredibly talented and passionate staff, students, parents, families, and the community; strategic planning; walking out the mission and vision of Student U.

Michelle Price

Student U Executive Director

Michelle's Why:

I value honesty, integrity, leadership development, a commitment to excellence vs. perfection, and an authentic commitment to the mission of Student U. The staff at Student U are incredible and have a passion and love for the work that is evident in how they show up each day. The culture is warm, positive, and welcoming, and students and parents are centered in the work while staff also show care and support for each other.

Michelle outside of Student U:

Outside of Student U, I value spending time with my family and friends, I enjoy old-school hip-hop and rap music, I love line dancing, and I have been known to teach some line dances on-the-spot at social events. I even have a rap name and have some pre-planned raps to perform (just in case it is ever needed). I will have a side hustle if my senior citizen rap career ever takes off!

Advice Michelle finds valuable:

Balance passion for this work with intentional care for yourself and your family. Because of our passion for the work, it can be easy to “burn the candle at both ends” and to neglect self-care and care for your own family. Refuel the care tank often.

Other organizations Michelle is involved with:

Member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated
Goodmon Fellow
Leadership Triangle


University of North Carolina at Greensboro
University of Phoenix

Course of study:

Bachelor of Science in Community Health Education | Minor in Child Development and Family Relations
Master of Arts in Education (MAED) – Adult Education and Training

Professional Accomplishments:

25 years of parenting experience before becoming an empty-nester in 2019; many years of service on various PTA committees, School Leadership Teams, Band Boosters Boards, Speech and Debate Boosters Board, Jack and Jill of America – Charlotte Chapter, all organizations that allowed me not only to support my own children’s educational experiences but to advocate for an equitable experience for other children as well. 

Student U start date:

September 12, 2022

our community stories

The brilliance and successes of Student U’s community

The Kendall Family

Elijah & Ethan

Elliot & Taryn


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