Michelle's primary responsibility is to oversee the internal operations of all Student U program activities to ensure they are planned and executed with fidelity and are aligned with the strategic priorities of the institution. Her job is to remain accessible and present with our students, families, and staff to ensure all programming decisions are rooted in and reflective of the experiences of our stakeholders. Michelle works closely with the Chief Program Officer to develop the leaders who implement our programming and to develop and maintain a strong staff culture among the programming team.

Michelle Norwood

Student U Program Director and Restorative Practices Lead

Michelle's Why:

I believe it takes a village to raise a child. It took a village to raise me.  That includes family at home, staff in school, and all the people students interact with throughout their journey in life.  I invest in Student U because I know that every students’ village will look different, but I am honored to get the chance to positively contribute to it along the way.

Michelle outside of Student U:

My family is extremely important to me. My husband and immediate family all contribute to the love I experience on a daily basis.  But so does my extended family, friends, colleagues, church family, and my STUDENTS! My joy is truly rooted in my ability to help others find and maintain their joy, and I wouldn’t live life any other way.  In addition to family, I love music, traveling, and playing softball.  I’ve grown a passion for coaching and supporting others with leadership development. I look forward to diving into more of that work in the future.

Advice Michelle finds valuable:

“No man is an island”. To effectively achieve our ultimate goal, we need to work together to equal 100%. This does not just pertain to our dream of a Durham where all students succeed…this is in life in general. Life goals, friend goals, family goals. It should REALLY BE apart of this nation’s goals… In my opinion, unity is an important key to the growth and success of this generation and those to come.


North Carolina Central University

Course of study:

Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics with a concentration in Secondary Education
Master’s Degree in Training and Development
Train the Trainers Certification in Restorative Practices

Student U start date:

June 2015

our community stories

The brilliance and successes of Student U’s community

The Kendall Family

Elijah & Ethan

Elliot & Taryn


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