Ms. Tivianna Webster is Destined to Change the World

College Graduation Series

Interview by Alyzia McAlmon 

Ms. Tivianna Webster was destined to change the world from the first day she set foot on North Carolina Central University’s campus as a freshman. Webster earned a bachelor’s degree in mass communication with a concentration in public relations just last week, with goals to become a press secretary. Throughout her four years on campus, Tivianna began to discover her best self all while working towards achieving her goals.

What school are you graduating from? What will you be earning a degree in?
I am graduating from NC Central University. My degree is in Mass Communication with a concentration in Public Relations.

What extra-curricular activities did you participate in?
I participated in PRSSA, The Campus Echo (school newspaper), and NABCJ.

What was the toughest obstacle you had to overcome as a college student?
The toughest obstacle I had to overcome would be balancing a job, my course load, organizational meetings and events, a social life, and taking care of personal family situations.

What are your goals and aspirations after graduation? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
My goals and aspirations after graduation would be exploring myself as a person, getting a PHD, and becoming a press secretary. In five years, I see myself moving to DC to continue my path of becoming a press secretary.

How have you grown as a person over the last 4 years?
In the past 4 years, I have grown tremendously. I have realized that in order to be something in life or make a difference I have to put in the work. I used to believe that eventually things would happen or they would be handed to me on a silver spoon. I am also a little less self-centered now and more aware of the other people who have made a significant difference in my life.

How has Student U had an impact on helping you set and achieve goals throughout your time in college?
Student U has had a big impact on my life throughout college by helping to mold the person I am now. They have also been a big support system as well as a family. Student U has provided me with many opportunities and experiences.

How have you made an impact on your community? (Student U, Durham, School Campus)
I have tried to become an impact on my community by giving back and being a helping hand when I can. It not only helps my community but it helps put my life into perspective.

Which of Student U’s core values has been most meaningful in your journey to graduating?
Destined to change the world has been a core value that has stayed with me. This is mainly because of people say they are destined to change the world but have not put in the effort it takes. I feel that I am taking the necessary steps to, hopefully, changing the world one day at a time. I also hope that others recognize and take initiative as well.

How has your perspective on the world changed since graduating from high school? Life? Student U?
My perspective on the world has changed from being very naive to realizing that life is a journey and it is up to us as an individual to choose how we are going to reach our destination. Life is not candy coated and it is not promised. We have to make the best out of it and cherish every moment you have.

If you could give a student in the Class of 2022 one piece of advice as they prepare to attend college in the fall, what would it be?
My piece of advice would be to enjoy college. It is a new experience and a new chapter of your life so do not spend 4 years dealing with regrets. Things will come together and fall into place. Also, follow your heart and your gut because only you know what is best for yourself.


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