Arturo De La Fuente Gonzalez – Using his passion for technology to build a better Durham.

High School Graduation Series

Arturo De La Fuente Gonzalez – Student U Class of 2019 and Alumni Association Scholar

Arturo is a senior at Hillside New Tech High School, poised to graduate this May. He has a passion for coding and technology and plans to continue building his skills in computer science by attending Durham Tech and then NC State University. He is already familiar with 7 coding languages and is excited to use his expertise to develop innovative ideas about how technology can grow and meet the needs of a diverse Durham.


What is your vision for the world and Durham?

I believe Durham will change and grow to a future where technology can be more diverse in areas that people can’t imagine right now.

What is your role in that vision?

My role will be to help brainstorm how to grow technology and write programs necessary for Durham to meet its technology needs.

What challenges/obstacles have you or must you overcome on your journey to realizing your vision?

One obstacle I have overcome is switching schools at the last minute. I was accepted into Middle College High School, but because of a family situation I was not able to attend. I had to personally go to the DPS Superintendent building, file a school change application, and explain my case to the people in charge. After this experience I have learned how to take charge in order to position myself where I need to be to succeed. I am glad I experienced this obstacle because it gave me the chance to learn more about computer science. I have also challenged myself by doing Dual Enrollment with Durham Tech and I will get my IT Certificate sooner.

What values guide/drive you on your journey?

My value is to put my education first and use the lessons that life has given me, such as wisdom from my father’s and mother’s experiences.

In the grand scheme of things, why do you believe it is important you succeed?

It is important for me to succeed so that I may find a job that I enjoy doing with the major that I plan to study.

Who has/is helping you on your journey?

I would say people who are giving me support and checking up on me whenever they can.

How has Student U been part of your journey?

Student U has been a great community to help me grow out of my antisocial shell. The vibe from Student U’s Summer Academy, tutoring, and events has shown me that it is easy to communicate with people because they will also be interested in who you are.

What is your plan to achieve your vision? What steps have you already taken and what ones are next?

My plan is to take summer classes at Durham Tech. I will stay with Durham Tech for two years and then transfer to NC State as a junior. I have already received enough scholarships to cover my tuition at Durham Tech. I want to join an honor society that will support my education financially and help me grow in those two years that I am with Durham Tech.

When you succeed how do you hope your life will be different? How will other’s lives be different?

I will have money to give to my parents and help them so they won’t have to work. I will have a car to drive me to work and for other errands.

What is one piece of advice you would give your younger peers? How will you help them succeed?

Always get involved in educational events and ask your counselor for any additional help if you don’t know what to do on your path of education.


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