Ms. Litehsha Garrett – Discovering Her Best Self

College Graduation Series

Interview by Alyzia McAlmon

Ms. Litehsha Garrett has discovered her best self while attending the University of North Carolina Greensboro, while working to receive her B.S in Recreation and Parks Management. As the Vice President of Delta Sigma Pi’s International Business Fraternity and a member of the Nu Rho Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Incorporated, Litehsha has displayed great leadership skills on her college campus. Litesha takes great pride in being apart of the inaugural group of Student U Students in 2007.  Her many accomplishments in life and on the UNCG campus set a great example for all of the Student U students following in her footsteps on the journey to college graduation.

What school are you graduating from? What will you be earning a degree in?

University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a  B.S. in Recreation and Parks Management

What extracurricular activities did you participate in?

I was the president of The Black Business Students Association, Vice President of Delta Sigma Pi’s International Business Fraternity and I am a proud member of the Nu Rho Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated

What was the toughest obstacle you had to overcome as a college student?

The toughest obstacle I faced as a college student was staying focused and motivated as I lost both when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

What are your goals and aspirations after graduation? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I plan to attend graduate school to earn my MBA. I see myself somewhere in either Virginia or Georgia working as a recreation center assistant director and gaining experience so that I can get started on owning on my own recreation center.

How have you grown as a person over the last 4 years?

I have grown so much as a college student these past 4 years. I have become independent, polished my professionalism skills, created networks and acquired knowledge that will definitely prepare me adequately for the real world.

How has Student U had an impact on helping you set and achieve goals throughout your time in college? How have you made an impact on your community?

Student U has had an impact on helping me set and achieve goals throughout my time in college by providing a job opportunity with experience for me to help me realize what I really want to do in life for a career. I have made an impact on my campus community by participating in so many organizations throughout my years with different leadership positions that have allowed me to provide learning opportunities for other students as well as give back to the Greensboro community as a whole.

Which of Student U’s core values has been most meaningful in your journey to graduating?

Discover Your Best Self has probably been the most meaningful and impactful in my journey because I came into college majoring in something that did not necessarily make me happy but as I matriculated through a couple of majors I found the right one for me and I discovered how I can be my best self for me and for others.

How has your perspective on the world changed since graduating from high school? 

My perspective on the world has changed on the world since I have graduated from high school because I got the opportunity to be given a piece of what independence looks like and I am still learning everyday how to budget and manage things in terms of money and time.

If you could give a student in the Class of 2022 one piece of advice as they prepare to attend college in the fall, what would it be?

One piece of advice I would give to Class 2022 is to stay strong and endure. There will be so many challenges and obstacles you face in life but hard times do not last and your senior year will be there before you know it. Persevere.

Want to get in touch with Ms. Litehsha? Or learn more about her work? Here is how:


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