Mr. Kameron Johnson is Achieving Greatness

College Graduation Series

Interview by Alyzia McAlmon

Mr. Kameron Johnson overcame the challenges of being a student athlete and achieved a lifelong goal of receiving his bachelor’s degree in Community and Commercial Recreation from Wingate University. During his college career, Kameron played football and ultimately used this as a method to better his time management skills. Kameron hopes to pursue a graduate degree in sports management and become a football coach on a collegiate level.

What school are you graduating from? What will you be earning a degree in?
I graduated from Wingate University and received my degree in Community and Commercial Recreation.

What extracurricular activities did you participate in?
During college I participated in football and the special olympics.

What was the toughest obstacle you had to overcome as a college student?
The toughest obstacle I had to face in college was being a student athlete because of the time management.

What are your goals and aspirations after graduation? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
My goal is to pursue my graduate degree in sports management. In five years I see myself holding a coaching position at a collegiate level.

How have you grown as a person over the last 4 years?
Over the past four years I have become more responsible, grown into a mature man, and learned how to manage time more effectively.

How has Student U had an impact on helping you set and achieve goals throughout your time in college? How have you made an impact on your community?
Student U helped me create create and set academic goals each semester and gave me great resources I could use to help maximize my potential. I’ve made an impact on my campus by providing positive energy, being friendly, and making new friends.

Which of Student U’s core values has been most meaningful in your journey to graduating?
The core value that stuck with me most on my journey to graduation was I will achieve greatness.

How has your perspective on the world changed since graduating from high school? Life? Student U?
Transitioning from high school to college and now being a college graduate I realized and discovered what life was about. I realized being more independent was something I would have to adjust to and how to live on my own and having to handle certain situations on my own rather than having my parents do it for me. Also I’ve began to see the world from an adult aspect because things start to get more serious as well.

If you could give a student in the Class of 2022 one piece of advice as they prepare to attend college in the fall, what would it be?
One piece of advice I would give the class of 2022 is to start off strong academically because it will help them towards the ends of their academic career. It’ll be easier to have a strong start so they don’t have to struggle and rush to gather all their credits and make sure they have all requirements that are needed for graduation.


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