Agency name with * indicates services offered in Spanish
Financial Assistance
AIDS Community Residence Association, Inc
1017 Cook Road #15, Durham NC 27713
Phone: (919) 973-4369
Persons with HIV or AIDS living in Durham County. Limited financial assistance; rent, utilities; no rent or utility deposits.
Alliance of AIDS Service- Carolina
1637 Old Louisburg Rd.Raleigh NC 27604
Phone: (919) 834-2437
Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Financial assistance for its clients.
Assurance Wireless (Free Cell Phones/Minutes)
Free cell phones, minutes. For those receiving Medicaid, Food Stamps, SSI, or who qualify based on household income.
Catholic Charities*
3711 University Drive, Suite B, Durham, NC 27707
Phone: (919) 286-1964
Fax: (919) 286-4001
Call on 2nd Monday of each month – wait until someone answers the phone, schedule appt for the next day (Tuesday)
For the disabled, elderly and unemployed. $40 for rent and utilities.
Consumer Credit Counseling
315 E. Chapel Hill St
Phone: (919) 688-3381
Monday-Thursday 9:00am-5:00pm
Credit/budget counseling; debt management; home ownership counseling; no financial assistance.
DSS Immediate Service (With Children)
300 N. Duke Street
Phone: (919) 560-8301
Monday-Friday: 8:15am-4:00pm
Rent, utilities; Limit: Once per year. Call for an appointment.
DSS (for employment, families and children receiving Medicaid)
300 North Duke Street Durham, NC 27701
Phone: (919) 560-8364
Monday-Friday: 7:30am-6:00pm(stop taking applications at 5:30)
Food stamps, WIC, and emergency support for families and children receiving Medicaid.
DSS (for adults and disabled persons receiving Medicaid)*
211 East Main Street Durham, NC 27701
Phone:English:(919) 560-8637
Spanish: (919) 560-8000
Monday-Friday: 7:30am-6:00pm
Food stamps, WIC, and emergency support for adults and disabled persons receiving medicaid.
El Centro Hispano*
2000 Chapel Hill Rd Durham, NC 27707
Phone: (919) 687-4635
Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Servicios del Trabajo (Work Services); Clases de Ingles (English Classes); Clinica Legal (Legal Clinic); Immigration and Citizenship assistance; Summer camps for children and youth; AIDS/HIV outreach; Interpretation, Advocacy and referral services; Free legal consultation; Cultural celebrations and community events; Job referral and info.
First Calvary Baptist Church
1311 Morehead Ave
Phone: (919) 489-4184
Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 5 pm
Past due rent and utilities.
Homeless Prevention and Rapid Housing (HPRP)
1311 Morehead Ave
Phone: (919) 323-2805Fax: (919) 220-6500
Housing for New Hope rapid housing, short term rent and utilities help. Fax client name, contact info, housing situation, income, working, disability, services.
Latino Community Credit Union*
201 W. Main St.
Phone: (919) 530-8800
Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-5:00pmFriday: 9:00am-6:00pm
Credit Union; Business development training.
Mt. Zion Christian Church3519 Fayetteville Street
Phone: (919) 688-4245
Tuesday & Saturday: 10:00am-2:00pm
Limited financial assistance.
Operation Breakthrough800 N Mangum
Phone: (919) 688-8111
Financial assistance, vocational.
Presbyterian Urban Ministries (at Northgate Presbyterian Church)2506 N. Roxboro Street
Phone: (919) 220-5601
Monday-Thursday: 9:30am-12:00pm – by appt ONLY
Past due rent, utilities and medication ($50).
Safe Link (Free Cell Phones/Minutes)
Free cell phones and 250 min/month. Based on financial income or participating in programs such as Food Stamps or Medicaid.
Salvation Army909 Liberty Street
Phone: (919) 688-7306
Monday-Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm Call one day in advance to make appt
Emergency rent, utilities and medication for people threatened with homelessness. Court papers or eviction notice for rent help; Cutoff notice for utilities assistance; Meds for life threatening situations.
Second Mile Ministries (Located in Greystone Baptist Church)2601 Hillsborough Road
Phone: (919) 286-2281
Wednesday: 9:00am-12:00pm
Limited Financial assistance, will take the first 30 callers. Persons may receive financial help 3 times a year (up to $150).
Shelter Plus Care330 Main St
Phone: (919) 683-1551
Limited permanent housing assistance Rental subsidies and support services to homeless individuals with disabilities, primarily those with chronic mental illness, substance abuse, and HIV/AIDS.
Shirley Caesar Outreach Ministry
Phone: (919) 683-1161
Call for information
Possibly gas money, some medications, rent, utilities – has to make sure bill will be paid in full.
SSI Self application –
Summit Church2031 West Club Blvd
Phone: (919) 383-7100
Help with utilities in Durham
Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness
807 East Main St
Phone: (919) 560-4570
Durham Affordable Housing Coalition City and United Way Project.
White Rock Baptist Church3400 Fayetteville Street
Phone: (919) 688-8136
4th Tuesday of each month, doors open at 7:00am
Past due rent and utilities, emergency situations. Financial assistance one a year. Will see first 15 people.
Women in Action634 Foster Street
Phone: (919) 680-4575
Monday-Friday: 10:00am-5:00pmMonday-Thursday to make appt
Past due rent, utilities ($50/yr) and medication
Work First Family Assistance300 N. Duke Street
Phone: (919) 560-8347
Intake is conducted on Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri between 8:30am-10:00am & 1:30pm-3:00pm.
Temporary financial and employment assistance program designed to promote self-sufficiency. Cash assistance; medical assistance; services to families to eliminate barriers to employment; referrals for child support, non-public assistance food stamps, family crisis unit, substance abuse counseling, family violence prevention program, VA, SSA, Employment Security Commission.
Urban Ministries Durham (Mission Society)410 Liberty Street Durham
Phone: (919) 682-0538
Limited financial assistance. Past due rent, utility cut-off notices and medication; no utility or rent deposits or phone bills; max assistance: $150. -Only assist 3-4 persons per month, clients can only be helped once per year. Must have already applied to other agencies and denied before UMD can assist.