Abuse and Crisis Services

Agency name with * indicates services offered in Spanish

Center for Child and Family Health*
1121 W. Chapel Hill St.
Durham NC, 27701 Phone: (919) 419-3474
Fax: (919) 419-9353

Therapeutic services focus on treatment and prevention of childhood trauma. Services offered for all ages. Offers prevention programs


Child Protective Services (DSS)*

200 E Main Street, Durham, NC 27701

Phone: 919-560-8424
To report suspected abuse, neglect and/or dependency Monday-Friday

Reports can be made after hours, weekends, and holidays by calling 911 and asking for the After-hours CPS Social Worker.

Durham Exchange Club’s Child Abuse Prevention Center*

3708 Lyckan Parkway, Suite 103 Durham, NC 27707

Phone: (919) 403-8249
Fax:(919) 493-5725 Monday-Friday

In-home therapy; Early childhood outreach to children having difficulty in the classroom.


Crisis Lines


P.O. Box 10490
Raleigh, NC 27605 Helpline: 919-231-4525 or
Phone: 919-832-3326

Crisis Line – suicide, child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, mental health, sexual issues, substance abuse; Teen TalkLine; Reassurance Calls to Seniors; Educational Programs

Poison Control*

24/7 hour help line

Treats patients who have been exposed to poisons but is also a resource for poison information. No charge for services provided to callers.


Domestic Violence

Durham Crisis Response Center*

206 N. Dillard Street, Durham, NC 27701

Phone: (919) 403-9425

24 Hour Crisis line:
English: (919) 403-6562
Spanish: (919) 519-3735 Monday-Friday

24-hr crisis hotline, case management, sexual assault services, legal advocacy, survivor’s groups, temporary emergency shelter, counseling, community education/training, rape prevention education.

Domestic Violence Assistance (Office of the Sheriff of Durham)

201 East Main St, Durham, NC 27702

(919) 808-3213
(919) 808-3076 Monday-Friday

Provides information and assistance regarding the domestic violence process.

National Center for Victims of Crime


Advocates for victims’ rights, trains professionals who work with victims, and serves as a trusted source of information on victims’ issues.

Elder Abuse, Adult Crisis Services

Adult and Crisis Services (DSS)*

414 E. Main Street, Durham, NC

Phone: (919) 560-8600


To assist adults, age 18 and over, and families with children, who are having a problem meeting their basic needs on an immediate and/or crisis basis.


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